Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Kardarsian made a whopping $65 million

If any of you are near a loaded handgun and just looking for a reason, Merry Christmas? Via The Hollywood Reporter:

Since their arrival on E! in 2007, thanks to such no-boundaries behavior, the tightknit family has ably defied the laws of 15-minute reality TV fame while building a wildly profitable empire. As the cameras keep rolling on the eight-member clan’s topsy-turvy domestic life, the Kardashians have cashed in, making more money last year than what Angelina Jolie, Sandra Bullock and Tom Cruise are estimated to have earned combined: a staggering $65 million (a source close to the family confirms the figure). As manager, Kris Jenner personally takes 10 percent.

Wait a minute. You can’t spit without hitting this story, yet no one stopped to notice the source is a vague “someone close to the family” while reading a four page article on how Kris Jenner plays the media to her advantage? C’mon. That’s like sitting next to Mel Gibson and wondering who’s pistol whipping you until you make with the blowjobs.

YOU: Who keeps doing that- OW! Wait, was that a gu- SONOFA! Show yourself! Mel, are you catching this?
MEL: Sorry, I was watching that pack of n-ggers over there.
YOU: Oh. Well, keep your eyes peeled.
MEL: Will do. Say, have you tried blowing someone? I hear that works.
YOU: Really? Anything to make it stop at this point, I guess.
MEL: That’s the spirit.

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